I don’t have too much to say about the proposals to close and/or consolidate miltary bases around the country. It’s hard to find a NIMBYer topic than this, other than maybe the location of halfway houses for sex offenders. In one fell swoop, politicians of all stripes can Fight For Jobs and for Keeping America Strong despite what those clowns at the Pentagon (what do they know about where military bases should be located, anyway?) may think. What more could you want?
This debate is going to be about who can shout the loudest and who can cry for the cameras the most. The actual merits of any individual base closing are irrelevant. That’s the way it’s been every damn time we go through this, and that’s the way it will always be.
Base closings intended to intimidate GOPers on the edge of voting against nookuler option
It’s always funny to see the more dovish Congresscritters trying to sound like hawks when defending their bases or when one of their bases is about to be cut.