Dispatches from Dallas, May 19 edition

This is a weekly feature produced by my friend Ginger. Let us know what you think.

This week in DFW-area news, we have a smorgasbord: follow-up on the Allen mall shooting, election cleanup, more on Thomas and Crow, MUD shenanigans, and computer snafus and more. Plus, Dallas gets lots of good sports news, art, music, and HEB BBQ.

The first few items in this roundup are about mass shooting/gun violence and intimate partner violence and murder. Please read and click through with care.

More on the Allen mall shooting: responses from local media are mostly about whether or not the shooting was a hate crime and what the political implications were. Typical of the former is Machismo, misogyny, misinformation: Why some Hispanic people become white supremacists (Archive link with a slightly different headline archived a few days ago) and Was the Allen Mass Shooting a Hate Crime? Authorities Still Haven’t Said. The question of whether it’s a hate crime is tied to several acknowledged anti-Asian hate crimes, including shootings in Dallas’s Koreatown, in the last few years.

Typical of the latter is Can politicians opposing gun reforms rely on Collin County voters after a mass shooting? The most important thing about this shooting is not whether or not Democrats can make hay out of it, but at the same time, if we want more than thoughts and prayers issued after this shooting the way we got after Uvalde and El Paso and … (here’s a timeline of the last 14 years in mass shootings here in Texas), we are going to have to vote the bastards out. And in Texas, they’re Republicans.

One last story that I was personally pretty bothered by is the Allen PD’s callout of one first-person account of the shooting as false. The story was gruesome and you hate to think that someone would make those details up for social media clout. You also hate to think that the cops would harass someone who helped at the scene of a mass shooting. Yet, here we are.

In other news:

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One Response to Dispatches from Dallas, May 19 edition

  1. racymind says:

    I’m all for the DFW content! (I live up here now but still check in)

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