When I checked the ActBlue page that we Texan bloggers had set up for Paul Hackett earlier this morning, it stodd at 11 donors and $295. At 4:45 PM, Richard Morrison sent an email to his list urging people to support Hackett, including a link to that page. It now stands at 36 donors and $920. Like Greg says, you are a class act, Richard. Maybe by the morning it’ll be over $1000. Not too shabby at all.
Two more bloggers to thank for linking: Easter Lemming and Matt Glazer, who will hopefully next year be the recipient of similar grassroots generosity.
In the end, whatever happens on Tuesday, I agree with Chris Bowers. Win or lose, the Hackett campaign has been a success on many levels: making the NRCC spend $500K on a race that should have been a cakewalk for them (the DCCC has now gotten involved with a more modest splurge; thanks to the nearly $400K raised online, they didn’t need to spend as much), engaging locals who’d long been ignored, proving the viability of a 50-state strategy, and delivering a great message not just to the people of OH-02 but to the national media and its audience. Pretty darned good for a race that some folks would say we shouldn’t have bothered with. Will Democrats do as well in CA-48 later this year? Let’s hope they start with as good a candidate as Paul Hackett, and I’ll feel fine about the odds.
UPDATE: It’s now $1275 from 45 donors. Woo hoo! Karl-T has the accounting breakdown. Also, add Houtopia and Texas Politics to the linkers. Thanks, everyone!