Texas blog roundup for the week of July 29

The Texas Progressive Alliance stands with the childless cat ladies as it brings you this week’s roundups.

Off the Kuff has a roundup of potential candidates for the vacancy in CD18.

SocraticGadfly offers a roundup of hominid-related and other science news of recent note.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project visited Washington, D.C. If enlisted men could be 97% of American dead in the Korean War, then politicians who have navigated our systems bringing authoritarian outcomes can do whatever is needed to fight the anti-democratic right.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Equality Texas released its 2023 legislative scorecard.

Law Dork heard the signals that this Supreme Court was sending out to the far right.

City of Yes finds a lesson on urbanism in the movie Jaws.

Reform Austin profiles Democratic legislative candidate and former Miss Texas Averie Bishop.

Sara Cress can tell you from personal experience why CenterPoint’s communications are terrible.

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