July 2024 campaign finance reports – City of Houston

Senate and Congress
State offices
Harris County offices

No preambles here. This used to be a dead time in the city electoral cycle, as no one was allowed to fundraise until the January of the election year. That’s long since been ended. This is now the time that some folks begin to build back their campaign treasuries. Let’s have a look.

Name          Raised      Spent       Loan     On Hand
Whitmire     591,220    468,079          0   2,542,941

Hollins       87,594    145,863          0     205,616

Ramirez       81,269     17,469     30,000      62,536
Carter        20,850      4,132      4,000      20,212

Peck          33,850     14,655          0      57,972
Kamin        101,572     14,503          0     301,721
E-Shabazz      9,500      8,375          0       1,759
Flickinger    25,650     26,646    103,000       9,313
Huffman       42,800     17,154          0      28,020
Castillo      67,393     28,507          0      43,394
Martinez      61,952     30,175          0      90,298
Pollard      162,275     33,516     40,000   1,037,040
C-Tatum       64,397     13,244          0     274,871

Turner             0    310,693          0     514,728
Robinson           0    206,878          0     235,112
Jackson Lee   15,000     21,742          0      28,815
Khan           5,000          0      5,000         539
Edwards            0      7,508          0       3,592
Laster             0          0          0     144,383

The January 2024 reports are here. That includes links to posts about the later reports from the 2023 election. Neither Fred Flickinger nor Letitia Plummer had a January report on the site; everyone else listed here did so. Plummer and the others with blanks do not have one for July. As with the January reports, I didn’t save the ones I did find to my Google drive. I’ll do that again when we’re in the next campaign season.

The reports for David Robinson and Sylvester Turner come with an asterisk: For Robinson, $6,878 of the listed spending is for things like wages/salaries/labor, and $200K is for the purchase of certificates of deposit at Veritex Community Bank. For Turner, $250K was used to buy a CD, at the same bank. In other words, they moved a bunch of leftover campaign cash into an interest-bearing account. At some point they will have to spend or donate it, but that day is not today.

I don’t have anything particular to say about these totals. As noted, this is the time when incumbents, especially new ones and ones who were in runoffs, refill their coffers. You can like that or not, it is what it is. But from here on, for the rest of the year, or at least through November, no one who considers themselves a Democrat should be raising money for anything except candidates on the ballot now. I will be looking at the January 2025 reports with a very close eye for that. Anyone who does otherwise should be expected to face some pointed questions about it. The same will be true, with some more leeway, in 2026. The election in front of us is – or at least should be – the priority. Never has that been more true than now. I hope everyone gets the memo on that.

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