The principal shuffle

Seems like a lot.

Since Mike Miles was appointed as HISD superintendent in June 2023, there has been widespread principal turnover across the district. The Houston Chronicle has been tracking the leadership changes at HISD campuses through a series of public records requests submitted to the district since summer 2023.

At least 150 principals have left their schools since Miles’ appointment by the Texas Education Agency in June 2023, according to the Chronicle’s analysis of HISD staffing records. After taking into account schools that share a principal, such as Jane Long Academy and Las Americas Middle School, or those that recorded multiple changes between June and December, such as Cage Elementary, the Chronicle confirmed there have been at least 154 principal changes across 141 HISD campuses.


The end of the 2023-24 school year marked a spike in principal departures across HISD. The Chronicle’s analysis found that principals at 76 campuses left their positions in June. That’s nearly as many as the total number of departures combined for the year prior from June 2023 to the end of the school year in May 2024, when 78 principals left.

Half of the departures logged before this June were due to principal reassignments to other positions within the district. In some cases, reassigned principals were promoted to leadership positions within the district. Others were removed from their positions.

However, this summer’s departures have largely been instances where principals not only left their principal position at a campus, but also left HISD entirely, according to the Chronicle’s analysis of district separation records. The Houston Chronicle independently verified that 43 of the 76 principals who left their positions in June 2024 left the district by choice, while two separated involuntarily, according to HISD staffing records.

According to district staffing files, 22 principals who left their positions in June transferred to other positions within HISD. Some of these principals were promoted to district leadership positions, while others took principal or assistant principal appointments at other campuses. Records show that a few of the principals moved to campus support jobs.

Yep, sure seems like a lot. I don’t have anything new to say here, so I’m just going to go with my immediate reaction to the headline on the Chron homepage about 76 principals departing and leave you with this.

We should be so lucky as to get that kind of an outcome.

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2 Responses to The principal shuffle

  1. Pingback: HISD reports significant drop in D and F-rated campuses | Off the Kuff

  2. Pingback: So many teachers gone | Off the Kuff

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