Texas blog roundup for the week of August 12

The Texas Progressive Alliance got some advice on changing its car’s oil from Tim Walz while putting together this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff provided a couple of updates on the CD18 nomination process.

SocraticGadfly talks about the pending end of an era at Southwest Airlines, and whether this is going to be just the first domino in a whole set of changes.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said Harris County Republican Sheriff nominee Mike Knox is clear how far to the right he is, and it is up to us and local media to make sure everybody knows.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

In the Pink Texas swoons over Walz.

Raise Your Hand Texas explains why school districts are running budget deficits.

Cesar Hernandez shares what it’s like to be in an un-air conditioned Texas prison in the summer.

The Lone Star Project finds our state’s worst Sheriff.

Houstonia and the Fort Worth Report talked to some chefs about the Michelin Guide.

Therese Odell checks in on the Trump campaign.

Finally, the TPA mourns the death of old-school progressive blogger Steve Timberlake, known in the blogosphere as Linkmeister. Not a Texan but a sweetheart of a guy who followed our state’s weird politics through our blogs, and was generous with comments and linkbacks. May he rest in peace.

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