Paxton sues Bexar County over voter registration drive

As promised/threatened.

Still a crook any way you look

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday followed through on his threat to sue Bexar County over a new program that will mail out voter registration forms to unregistered voters.

Bexar County commissioners approved the proposal on Tuesday during a commissioners meeting.

The county will enter into a $392,700 contract agreement with firm Civic Government Solutions to print and mail about 210,000 voter registration application forms to unregistered voters.

Paxton had previously warned that he would sue the county if it approved the proposal.

Precinct 1 Commissioner Rebeca Clay-Flores spoke in defiance of Paxton on Tuesday.

“The word ‘integrity’ was used in a statement by the attorney general regarding our voter rolls and [to] ensure only eligible voters can vote. And that’s exactly what we are trying to pass today and why I was proud to second it — so we can encourage and make sure Americans exercise their right to vote,” she said.


[Paxton] also argued Texas counties have no statutory authority to print and mail state voter registration forms.

The lawsuit asked for an injunction to prevent the program from taking effect.

See here for the background. My boring prediction is that Paxton will fail at the district court level – he’s the kind of lawyer who does way better in front of a friendly judge than a skeptical one, and in a non-trivial number of the cases he files he cares more about the headline than the result – but will get bailed out by SCOTx, who will find some fig leaf to justify his claims. I will be happy to be proven wrong about that latter part. Not much else to say – we’ve seen this movie many times before, and while there’s always some doubt about how it ends, the basic plot contours are extremely familiar. The San Antonio Report and the Trib updated their stories from yesterday to reflect this development, and the Current has more.

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2 Responses to Paxton sues Bexar County over voter registration drive

  1. Pingback: Paxton sues Travis County over voter registration drive | Off the Kuff

  2. Pingback: Texas blog roundup for the week of September 9 | Off the Kuff

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