Texas blog roundup for the week of October 28

The Texas Progressive Alliance is here to ask you again if you have voted as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff has a first look at early voting.

SocraticGadfly took a deep dive on the issue of newspaper endorsements, both at the two big newspapers in question, and also the big picture, including it being known inside the industry 20-plus years ago that presidential endorsements are of little value. He’ll have a follow-up later this week, looking more at the two papers in question.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project is writing daily notes & observations about the Houston/Harris County response to the right wing threat to our freedom. Please visit the blog often!


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Popular Info has a story about Montgomery County turning fact into fiction, and then turning back, in its libraries.

The Eyewall looks at the surprise popup Hurricane Oscar.

Your Local Epidemiologist considers what we know about the new RSV vaccine.

Therese Odell vents some well-earned outrage over Trump’s latest garbage about veterans, specifically Vanessa Guillen.

Nonsequiteuse explains what your goals are if you experience interference or problems at the polls.

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