Interview with Anthony Rios and Ringo Bosley of the Houston Progressive Caucus

I reported on the creation of the Houston Progressive Caucus a couple of weeks ago, and as is my habit I had some questions about their mission and strategy beyond what was contained in their press release and on their website. So I reached out to Karthik Soora, the SD15 candidate from last year who was listed as the contact for the Caucus, and asked him if we could have a chat about it. He set me up with Anthony Rios and Ringo Bosley of the Caucus for an interview, and so here we are. I had some questions about where this came from, what kind of issues they will champion, what we should expect to see from them in the short to medium term, and more. Here’s what we talked about:

If you have any questions about them, you should click on their website or connect with them on BlueSky or elsewhere and engage directly.

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4 Responses to Interview with Anthony Rios and Ringo Bosley of the Houston Progressive Caucus

  1. Meme says:

    They made me laugh. Since I am not running again, let me recommend one of those working young men or women run for precinct 425. Quite a few precincts don’t have a precinct judge; if they submit their names, they could do that immediately.

    Candidates take money from the rich; they must be going after about 100% of the present elected Democratic officials.

    I was so curious that I listened to a podcast, which may have been the first one I have listened to other than CLE classes.

  2. J says:

    Who does one learn if their precinct has a precinct judge or chairman?

  3. J says:

    Sorry, from whom or how does one learn …

  4. Meme says:

    It used to be a website with that information. It seems that now you have to ask formally. My experience is that they may or may not respond to the request.

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