The Texas Progressive Alliance is a fan of Congressional town halls as it brings you this week’s roundup.
Off the Kuff looked at January campaign finance reports for Houston-are state legislators.
SocraticGadfly went one better than Court of Criminal Appeals presiding judge David Schenck on real judicial election reform in Texas .
And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.
Greg Tepper worries that the school voucher proposal could really harm Texas high school football.
Olivia Julianna believes in vaccines.
Margarita Velez calls for defending the Constitution by standing up to Trump.
Deceleration notes how Elon Musk is boosting climate denialism globally.
The Eyewall worries that the Muskian rampage will halt or even undo progress on hurricane forecasting.
The Observer reports on local law enforcement agencies getting involved with ICE.