Texas blog roundup for the week of March 17

The Texas Progressive Alliance stands with Mahmoud Khalil as it brings you this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff notes that the Trump “Justice” Department has dropped the redistricting lawsuit filed by the Biden Justice Department after the 2021 redistricting.

SocraticGadfly talked about the end of an era at Southwest Airlines, looking at the end of “your bags fly free” — and other items Southwest announced.

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project reports from a protest at a Houston Tesla dealership & says the next protest will take place when you organize it.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Candidus shows how Donald Trump today resembles King George III, as documented by the authors of the Declaration of Independence.

Your Local Epidemiologist answers some questions about the MMR vaccine.

The Austin Chronicle reported from a SxSW panel on modern cars and the amount of our personal data they hold.

Law Dork worries about SCOTUS taking up a case involving state bans on conversion therapy.

The Houston Press looks at the ethos behind “pay what you can” theater tickets.

The Texas Signal notes some bad polling for school vouchers.

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