Metro public meetings on Richmond rail this week reminds us of the upcoming public meetings to be held on the location for the Universities light rail line.

There are 4 Public meetings this week as shown below.

All meetings start at 6:30 PM – show up early to get a badge

Monday, April 10 – Upper Kirby, San Jacinto Girl Scouts HQ, 3110 SW Fwy

Tuesday, April 11 – Neartown/Montrose – Bering Memorial United Methodist, 1440 Harold

Wednesday, April 12 – This is most important – Come early to ensure seating; Rice University McNair Hall – Shell Auditorium;
Rice Blvd / Entrance 20 – Town Hall Meeting with John Culberson

Wednesday, April 12 –Larchmont, St. George, Gulfton – Pilgrim Elementary School, 3315 Barrington

For more info:

The full schedule is here.

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