Dog days time…
Just a reminder that Governor Perry isn’t the only shameless hypocrite about the stimulus package. Bobby Jindal is pretty damn brazen, too.
Traditional media has its blind spots, none of which is more cringe-inducing than stuff like this.
More things you can do with your iPhone. I agree with etee, that one would not be for me, either.
The Gettsyburg Address, as delivered by Sarah Palin.
Math is hard, especially if you’re lazy or obtuse.
I knew Rep. Louie Gohmert was a nut. I just completly misunderestimated how much of a nut he is.
Rotate those committee chairs.
Bud Light, Mister President? Seriously?
Having an MBA != being knowledgeable in economics. Or anything else, for that matter. And when you’re done reading that, read this.
Pete Sessions’ blimp brouhaha.
If house pets were libertarians. Or vice versa.
It’s always reassuring to realize that the stupid isn’t just confined to Texas.