What do you do when your kid is the bully?
Turns out conservatives have no ideas about how to reform health care.
Yo, John. Either you did or you didn’t. Admit or get off the pot already.
Just how far down does that rabbit hole go, anyway?
The dinosaurs that lived, at least for awhile, after the mass extinction.
Harold Cook helps the Republican Party of Texas design a logo for 2010.
Putting “The Beatles: Rock Band” into perspective.
It would be fine by me if penmanship gets permanently de-emphasized in the school curriculum.
Apparently, looking at pictures of nekkid women can make boys gay. Or something. No, I don’t understand it, either. But Teresa makes a mighty fine attempt at following it to its logical conclusions.
The down side of “opting out”.
It’s only not OK if you’re ACORN.
Glenn Beck was for the bailouts before he was a teabagger.
Happy 50th birthday to COBOL.
Who says conservatives don’t like government programs?
Apparently, Sarah Palin is ignorant and dishonest. Who knew?
The real cost of medical malpractice.
LeVar Burton gets something off his chest. Hilarious.
Ever wonder about the packing fraction for breakfast cereals? Of course you have.
Among other things, Jim Rice is a lousy baseball analyst.
Am I the only one who thinks it’s awesome that one of the lead “birthers” is a guy named Kreep?
Congratulations to Dr. Dennis Ahlberg, the 18th President of Trinity University.
Kimberley Young died because she didn’t have health insurance. Why do we let that happen in the United States?
Where high speed rail makes the most sense. The pairing of Dallas and Houston is #10 on the list.