Senate convention information

Easter Lemming has a boatload of information about all of the State Senate district conventions in Harris County, which I recommend you review if you plan on attending yours. If you’re going to the SD6 convention, please note that there’s delegate chair training tonight at 6:30 PM at the St. Patrick Catholic Church Hall, 4918 Cochran, Houston, Texas, 77009. More information for SD6 can be found here. There’s information there about credential challenges as well, which must be received no later than March 26 to be considered. They can be dropped off at 3715 N. Main or emailed to

I will not be at this convention – I’m not a delegate, and I just don’t have the time to attend this weekend. Those of you who do go, I salute you and wish you good luck in getting all the business you have before you done in a congenial and timely manner.

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