State Rep. Linda Harper-Brown admits that voter ID legislation has nothing to do with the facts.
“There are a lot of things that we pass laws on down here that we don’t have a hard, firm fast number on. Uninsured children, I think, is a good example of that,” she said. “We extrapolate a lot of the numbers and pass a lot of laws based on estimates, not on hard facts.”
Of course, we do have a pretty solid grasp of how many uninsured children there are in Texas (many, many, many) and for that matter we have a good idea how many allegations of election fraud there have been that involved people showing up at a polling place to vote as someone other than themselves (very, very few). But I’m glad to see Rep. Harper-Brown admit for the record what most of us have known for a long time, that voter ID legislation has nothing to do with things like facts and evidence. BOR has more.