The following is from the latest Saint Arnold Army newsletter:
School Supply Drive for Needy Families on Wednesday, July 28 In conjunction with State Representative Jessica Farrar, we will be hosting a school supply drive at the brewery on Wednesday, July 28. For many families, the basics like a backpack and pencils are difficult to afford. What better way to help kids in these families get a great start to the school year than for us to come together and donate these items to them. And we will bribe, er, entice you to do so with a fun evening at the brewery.
Here are the details:
Date: Wednesday, July 28
Taps open from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (remember you can bring snacks, dinner, heck, a white table cloth and 5 course meal if you like)
Admission: Bring one new or gently used children’s backpack
at least one of the following items:
8 pack of markers
24 pack of crayons
Large pack of pencils
Large package of spiral notebooksYou can go to Academy or and get a backpack for around $20 to $25. There are some available for as little as $15.
That would be at the Saint Arnold brewery, of course. You can find directions and a map here.