The Senate has approved the “pork chopper” bill, with some amendments.
State Sen. Troy Fraser, R-Horseshoe Bay, said there are more than 2 million feral hogs across the state. They used to be mostly a problem for rural landowners, but now urban dwellers are dealing with the scourge. “We’re having these hogs come in and tear up backyards and endanger the lives of young children,” he said.
It’s already legal in Texas to shoot feral hogs and coyotes from helicopters. But it’s an expensive endeavor. Fraser said his bill would allow landowners to bring a revenue stream by selling seats on the helicopters to hunters who want to come help them exterminate the hogs on their property.
Fraser was the Senate sponsor of HB716, which passed by a 29-2 vote. It now goes back to the House, where it had passed in April for concurring or a conference committee. Feral hogs should consider themselves duly on notice.
UPDATE: And it’s on its way to the Governor.
“pork chopper?”
Cute. I like it.
awesome, can’t wait for some airborn porkchops