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Mayor Parker Extends Parks Burn Ban to Include Smoking
Mayor Annise Parker today signed an executive order extending the City’s temporary burn ban to include smoking in City parks. The smoking ban applies to lighted cigars, cigarettes, pipes or any other device used for the burning of tobacco or other plant material.
Mayor Parker last week banned the use of barbecue grills and all other outdoor burning in City parks during the ongoing drought. With the addition of the smoking ban, the City’s policy is now consistent with Harris County’s burn ban. Violations of the mayor’s executive order carry fines of up to $2,000 per offense. The executive order will remain in effect until drought conditions improve.
You can see a copy of the executive order here. But look, it’s real simple. Don’t smoke in the parks, OK? I don’t know why anyone needs to be told this, but here you go anyway. Don’t smoke in the parks.
The golf course smokers, including some of the pros, at Memorial Park are going to be absolutely thrilled over this.