I finally got a draft canvass report from the Harris County Clerk for the December runoff elections. Let’s take a look at the two At Large runoffs and see what we can learn about them. Here’s At Large #2:
Dist Burks Robinson Burks % Rob %
A 2,145 2,331 47.92% 52.08%
B 1,798 451 79.95% 20.05%
C 1,464 4,286 25.46% 74.54%
D 4,244 1,229 77.54% 22.46%
E 1,086 1,347 44.64% 55.36%
F 278 418 39.94% 60.06%
G 1,280 2,980 30.05% 69.95%
H 791 820 49.10% 50.90%
I 1,425 1,459 49.41% 50.59%
J 300 471 38.91% 61.09%
K 1,292 1,006 56.22% 43.78%
Andrew Burks did pretty well where he needed to, in Districts B, D, and K – better than he did in the 2011 runoff, at least on a percentage basis. It seems likely to me that the lesser turnout this year hurt him. He had about a 5,000 vote lead in B and D in 2011, but only a 4,400 vote lead this year, a drop of 600 votes in a race he lost by 500 votes. I don’t mean to pile on Burks, but I have to think that a better candidate could have pulled this one out. Robinson did just enough in C and G to edge him. It’ll be interesting to see if he draws a serious challenger in 2015.
On to At Large #3:
Dist Morales Kubosh Mor % Kub %
A 2,108 2,755 43.35% 56.65%
B 862 1,359 38.81% 61.19%
C 2,784 2,821 49.67% 50.33%
D 1,800 3,601 33.33% 66.67%
E 1,347 1,271 51.45% 48.55%
F 404 332 54.89% 45.11%
G 2,155 2,280 48.59% 51.41%
H 944 739 56.09% 43.91%
I 1,962 1,156 62.92% 37.08%
J 437 376 53.75% 46.25%
K 954 1,345 41.50% 58.50%
Despite Michael Kubosh’s relatively substantial win, it looks to me like the conditions were there for Roy Morales to pull it out. He held his own in the Republican districts, and got a boost from the elevated turnout in the District I runoff. He lost in B, D, and K, where you would expect Kubosh to do well, but he didn’t get creamed. If he had had David Robinson’s numbers in District C, he would have won. Obviously, Mayor Parker did not get involved, and Kubosh did a decent job of presenting himself to Parker supporters, which enabled him to not only be competitive in C but to carry it. You have to tip your hat to that. Further, despite my speculation that there could be a significant undervote in this race, the undervote rate was less in AL3 than it was in AL2. As with Robinson, I look forward to seeing who, if anyone, decides to challenge Kubosh in two years. Both of them, but especially Kubosh, can affect that with their performance in office. I can’t wait to see how it goes when Mayor Parker gets on with the rest of her third term agenda.
I’ll have a look at the other races in a later entry. In the meantime, let me know what you think about these numbers.
I think that mike kubosh was expecting to post higher numbers,i know his group was thinking 70% ish,i predicted 58% i was surprised kubosh came in well under my number,but we will see over the next 23 months how things pan out.
joshua ben bullard
I say Mike should have hired you maybe he would have gotten the 🙂
Apparently Burks will run again… Without union money (which Robinson will take) though I don’t see him getting far. The only Burks mailer was paid for by the Seiu.