Just because two songs have the same name it doesn’t mean they’re the same song. In theory there’s an unlimited number of possible song titles, but in practice there are a lot of reruns. Example #2 from my collection is “All I Want”. Here’s what Susanna Hoffs did with that song title:
Back in the day (and by “back in the day” I mean “back in the 80s, because what else would I mean?) I didn’t think much of the Bangles. They struck me as a disposable prefab pop group that disappeared after their first album. I was surprised to learn years later what a talented musician she is, both as a solo act and in tandem with Matthew Sweet. If you’re into covers, their three “Under The Covers” CDs are worth checking out. Now here’s Toad The Wet Sprocket doing a completely different song called “All I Want”:
I’m pretty sure I heard this song a bunch of times on the radio without ever knowing what its title was or who sang it. I don’t know why radio stations do that. Anyway, now I know. What songs did you hear on the radio for a long time before you found out what they were?
Nice kids, but they need to get off Joni Mitchell’s lawn (mine, too) 🙂