That would be Greg Abbott’s position on equal pay.
Attorney General and Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott has let himself be out-wrestled on the sensitive issue of equal pay for equal work by Texas women.
His answer, according to a statement Wednesday from his campaign staff, is that women in the Lone Star State who are victims of employment discrimination can turn to the federal government for help.
As governor, he would veto any bill to provide as much help through state courts.
Abbott, remember, is “one of the nation’s leading advocates for stopping the federal overreach of the Obama Administration.” That’s the administration responsible for passing the law that helps victims of pay discrimination recover damages in federal court.
Now Abbott has made himself look like someone who either doesn’t care about Texas women who are paid less than men for similar work or who believes that his federal arch-enemy has done such a good job that Texas can’t make things any better.
I suppose Abbott’s still slightly better on this than Dan Patrick, who thinks that the ladies should just suck it up and trust the magic of the free market to ensure they get paid what they’re worth. Because that’s been such a great strategy for them historically. It sure has been marvelous watching the Abbott campaign squirm this week, hasn’t it?
I got upset with Abbott when he failed to defend the red light camera election.