“And that means that the Koch brothers, who spent an estimated $30 million on ads opposing Obamacare, might have actually had a hand in getting people signed up for insurance coverage.”
Reading the polls is a little trickier than usual this year.
As Neil Gaiman once said, George R.R. Martin is not your bitch.
Financial literacy is overrated.
I loved the World Cup this year, but I’ve really been waiting for the Women’s World Cup to begin. I hope the third time can be the charm for professional women’s soccer in the US.
You think that traffic jam you’re sitting in now is bad?
Yogi Berra is a mensch.
Don’t use hotel business center computers if you know what’s good for you.
Were you a Prodigy user? Do you still have the hard drive from the computer where you logged on to Prodigy? If so, then this may be of interest to you.
“The Church of England has voted to allow women to enter its top ranks as bishops.” In other news, it is the year 2014.
RIP, Alice Coachman Davis, first African-American woman to win an Olympic gold medal.
Clearly, I need to encourage my daughters to keep busy on their rainbow looms.
“I’ll be the first to admit that the Texas medical system has its problems. But if the biggest “health threats” these kids from Central America bring are head lice, some twisted ankles and 23 cases of chickenpox, well, Texas can handle that.”
“There have always been cranky old people asserting that things were better when they were kids and whatever is happening now is terrible […] and presumably there always will be cranky old people. But a confluence of circumstances has created a situation in which conservative politics has gotten bound up with crankly oldersterism in a somewhat weird way.”
As one of the commenters to this said, “If anyone in history has ever deserved a religion more than Weird Al, I don’t know who it is.”
“Not to let facts intrude on their paranoid fantasies, but let’s not forget what the IRS scandalette actually involved. There’s never been any credible allegation that anyone was audited because of their political beliefs. There’s never been any allegation that the IRS “targeted” donors to Republican super PACs. The worst thing that happened was that some Tea Party groups that had applied for 501(c)(4) status—claiming, utterly falsely, that they were charitable, non-political organizations, I might add—had to wait longer than they should have to get approval on their applications. (And, I have to repeat, when you’re waiting for your approval, you’re permitted under the law to act as though you’ve gotten your approval. You can raise and spend money, which they did.)”
“Down with pipe shots. Up with throwing a fastball and letting destiny take over after that. Just make sure you call it what we’re all expecting. Even better, don’t call it anything at all.”
RIP, Johnny Winter, Texas blues legend.
Whatever you may think about NFL cheerleaders and how they are treated by the various teams, you have to admire Kriste Lewis and her determination to live life to its fullest.
Tort “reform” for thee, but not for me.
Want to buy one of the Pearls Before Swine strips that featured art by Bill Watterson? Go here, and be prepared to spend some big bucks. It’s for charity, if that helps.
Quit disappearing Rickroll videos, YouTube!
RIP, James Garner, iconic leading man.