Larry is kind enough to list yours truly among his ten favorite blogs. As you can tell from the rest of his list, mine is not the prevailing viewpoint. I know Larry’s also quite fond of Ginger, Mac, Meryl, and O-Dub. It’s an honor to be picked from such tough competition.
It’s impossible for me to pick ten favorite blogs. There are too many blogs that I really like, and I’m the kind of squishy liberal who’d worry about hurting someone’s feelings by excluding them.
That said, my buddy Binkley has just started reading blogs, and I thought it would be useful to point out a few to him that I think he’d enjoy. Binkley is a libertarian who’s into music (especially classical), science and technology (especially space exploration and open source software, gaming, and science fiction. He’s also one of the most intellectually curious people I know. With that in mind, and given that I’ve already mentioned to him all of our mutual friends who are blogging, here are some Blogs for Binkley:
1. Jim Henley’s Unqualified Offerings. Jim’s a libertarian who’s into gaming, music, and sci-fi. It’s a quadrafecta!
2. Eve Tushnet.
3. and 4. Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden.
5. Chad Orzel’s Uncertain Principles.
6. Brad DeLong.
7. Virginia Postrel.
8. Charles Murtaugh.
9. Doc Searls.
10. Instapundit. I really wanted to avoid paying the inevitable homage to Instapundit, but I do think Binkley will like him.
So there’s a starter’s list for you, Binkley. There’s a lot of good stuff out there – starting, of course, with my blogroll on the right. Seek and ye shall find.
My thanks for listing me as Libertarian and not rabid, right-wing, unreconstructed Troglodyte, as some of my more radical friends are wont to do. 🙂
And thanks for the starter list. Perhaps C++ isn’t so interesting after all.
Any luck with seeing the GWB spoof at the Dem’s website on social security, the cartoon of him pushing old people down stairs? I haven’t been able to get the page to load. I guess I need to find a cache of it somewhere.
I left off Mac because he takes quick jabs at headlines like myself, and both of us are easily replaced by Scrappleface’s site.
I left off Oliver Willis because I couldn’t go to 11.
I left off Ginger because she’s taking abreak, and I figure people would find out about her (and Jack Cluth) via you.
I left off Meryl because I couldn’t go to 11, and I felt that Rachel Lucas’ explosions and Charles Johnson’s anti-Idiotarian positions covered that part of the spectrum. Same with anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler and others.
If any feelings were hurt, just think of how I feel when I am regularly overlooked on various Top X lists… oh, wait. I don’t give a flying cat-fark. 😉
Would y’all like some chopped liver? I believe I have some to spare.
Darn, that was kind of you, Charles. Thanks.