BTW, the link below came to me in email. I get this sort of thing on a regular basis, more than one might expect for a puny weblog that gets 250 visits on a decent day. I’m more likely to blog about something that comes in a genuinue note from a real reader, as opposed to something like this which I’d call spam if I were feeling cranky, but I’m willing to overlook that if the mood strikes me. Having already blogged about this, I certainly appreciate the tip, regardless of who else may get it.
So out of curiosity, how many tips and links to other blogs do you bloggers out there get on a daily basis? I get between two and five a day, many from the same sources but occasionally new ones. I’ve apparently been subscribed to a few mailing lists as well. How I feel about all this varies over time, so I’d to know what others think. Thanks!
I don’t get any at all, really.
On the other hand, since my site is pretty much a strictly personal site, I’d be slightly worried if people sent me emails telling me that “I should blog about [subject]”….
I get a couple a day, and I will link to them if I have checked the link and thought the story interesting.
About 2 and 5 a day seems about right.