Evangelicals deserve Donald Trump.
“Eventually, the two parties may come to agree on the challenges the country faces, and then have actual discussions — and disagreements and competition — over how to address them. That’s bipartisanship. And counterintuitive as it may seem, Obama’s executive actions may be necessary to produce bipartisanship down the road.”
The “Japanese Schindler” gets his own movie.
“What makes Walt Disney so remarkable was the fact he was such an ordinary man.”
A horizontal history of the world.
Just how big an asshole is Ted Cruz, anyway?
“How the smartphone changed everything, or, the rise of BYOD in the workplace”.
The Bechdel Test continues to be relevant, likely for the foreseeable future.
Good news, wankers. Keep on keeping on.
RIP, Henry Worsley, British explorer who tried to be the first person to cross the Antarctic unaided.
Natalie Maines is still not ready to make nice.
RIP, Abe Vigoda. Yes, the website has been updated, so it’s official.
RIP, Concepcion Picciotto, longtime White House peace protester.
“The strong dollar, in other words, has become an earnings albatross for Apple.”
What Roy says.
They’re making DeLoreans again. You’re on your own for the flux capacitors, however.
“Bad schools exacerbate the differences in academic achievement between boys and girls.”
Zika is your new Ebola.
Remembering the Challenger, thirty (!) years later.
Your highway sign font news for the week.
RIP, Paul Kantner, founding member of Jefferson Airplane.
RIP, Edgar Froese, founding member of Tangerine Dream.
“Mysterious dude in Iowa is following Ted Cruz around and accusing him of liking Nickelback“.