That Amazon Galaxy Quest project will sadly not be happening in part due to the death of Alan Rickman.
A richly deserved honor for Sonia Manzano.
I do love a good Joel Kotkin takedown, yes I do.
What’s at stake in Texas’ lawsuit against the Obama immigration order, which will be heard by the Supreme Court tomorrow.
“A brown goat with a white marking that bears a striking resemblance to one of NASCAR’s most famous car numbers will have a permanent home at Texas Motor Speedway.”
“What might it mean to have five justices on the Supreme Court who were appointed by Democratic presidents?”
Begun, your training has.
“Born in 1982, my childhood was filled with more biblical prophecy than Sesame Street good times. The urgency of avoiding hell surpassed any trivial education the world had to offer. After all, if you’re staring down the barrel of eternal torment, who has the time for algebra?”
Know your Panama Papers people.
“How many trans people have been arrested for sex acts in bathrooms? As best as we can tell, zero. How many GOP politicians? At least three.”
“Since 1977, there have been 11 murders, 26 attempted murders, 42 bombings, 185 arsons, and thousands more incidents of criminal behavior directed at abortion providers, according to NAF’s press release.”
Same sex couples do just fine as parents.
What Martin Longman says.
My dog can just about climb a tree when he’s chasing squirrels, so I can totally believe that a Great Dane could tree himself if he got a good running start.
Now that hurts.
Good for you, Stan Van Gundy.
Those ubiquitous anti-microbial soaps aren’t such a good idea.
“There is no substantive-due-process right to stimulate one’s genitals for non-medical purposes unrelated to procreation or outside of an interpersonal relationship.”
Nobody likes Ted Cruz, no matter what his wife may say.
“This is the worst argument about the national debt you’ll ever find”.
“The NCAA constantly punishes athletic departments that show a lack of institutional control over sports programs and athletes. So it would seem that the NCAA should really be checking out head coach Art Briles and the Baylor football program, because if anything speaks of an institutional lack of control over an athletic program, it’s got to be a football program thats seems to implicitly condone criminal sexual misconduct.”