Another year in the can

Today is my birthday. I’m exactly the same age as Justine Bateman and exactly one day older than Cindy Crawford. Other people lighting candles today include Prince Andrew and Nicolai Copernicus. On this day in 1985, Cherry Coke was introduced to America, while Mickey Mouse was introduced to China. And of course, today is the 156th anniversary of the rescue of the Donner Party.

Last year at this time, I told you a few things about me. This year, I’d like for you to tell me something about you. Nothing so fancy, of course, but I’d be interested to hear things like where you are and how you found me. Or whatever – I’m just trying something different here to see what happens. Hey, it’s my birthday, so let’s have a little fun. Thanks!

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25 Responses to Another year in the can

  1. Who am I? — I am binkley, who else?

    Where am I? — a hotel room in Austin, TX

    How did I find you? — You told me about your blog yourself. 🙂

    Happy birthday, Chuck! Blow out a candle for me. And you’re still older than I am (just).

  2. Brenda Helverson says:

    I got started with you during the redistricting through a link on another blog. I have stayed with you, overlooking the Houstocentric posts, because your writing is worth reading. Happy Birthday and enjoy your free helping of petrochemical air!

    Brenda Helverson

  3. kerry says:

    Happy Birthday! Celebrate it wisely.

  4. Jim Shirk says:


    More than 2 x your age, but staying immature here in Tampa. Got onto yr blog through Atrios, stayed for the redistricting. I used to live in Austin (so long ago Arkansas still played Texas). Keep up the good work.

  5. Dud & Laverne says:

    Dear Charles:February 18th, 1966 Mom went into labor sometime around midnight. After waking me up a few times, I said “If I don’t take you to the hospital now, I am going back to sleep”. We went and I delivered your Mom into the hands of Sister Daniel in the lobby of St. Vincents. In those days you couldn’t get near the labor and delivery area. I went out, had a hamburger and went home to sleep. Dr. Procci called in the early am telling me I had a son. I ran upstairs to Nana & Pop yelling that they had a grandson, “Charles III”. My Dad died 5/30/66 but he held you, went to your Baptism and ate Uncle Mike’s wonderful Italian food at the dinner after Church. Life is good, we love you and look forward to your’s and Tiffany’s announcement.
    Happy Birthday, Love, Mom and Dad

  6. Dud & Laverne says:

    Dear Charles:February 18th, 1966 Mom went into labor sometime around midnight. After waking me up a few times, I said “If I don’t take you to the hospital now, I am going back to sleep”. We went and I delivered your Mom into the hands of Sister Daniel in the lobby of St. Vincents. In those days you couldn’t get near the labor and delivery area. I went out, had a hamburger and went home to sleep. Dr. Procci called in the early am telling me I had a son. I ran upstairs to Nana & Pop yelling that they had a grandson, “Charles III”. My Dad died 5/30/66 but he held you, went to your Baptism and ate Uncle Mike’s wonderful Italian food at the dinner after Church. Life is good, we love you and look forward to your’s and Tiffany’s announcement.
    Happy Birthday, Love, Mom and Dad

  7. Karin says:

    Happy Birthday!

    It’s been a good few years since I met you via Mattnet, at Chez Matt and Chuck. Your blog is definitely one of my top favorites.

  8. Greg Wythe says:

    Happy B-day, as if you never saw that one coming! Obviously, I’m Greg … in Houston … and I have no recollection of how I came across this site other than perhaps as one of a plethora of links on blogs elsewhere. Somewhere along the way, I probably noticed that this was a go-to place for local/state news and have had it high on my bookmarks since then (as well as shift the emphasis of my own blogging a bit).

    Reminds me of one thing, though … we need another local DemBlogger roundup. Realize the current state of the Kuff household might keep you on a short leash, so lemme know if any of my own organizational “skills” are needed to assist in making this happen.

  9. Patrick says:

    Happy Birthday! I found your blog about a year ago, but I sorta knew of you before I knew you. I’m not sure I told you the story (probably did), but apparently my parents met your parents at the Parents’ Orientation at Trinity during the summer before our freshmen year. Apparently your folks and Dean Grissom were the high points of the trip. They mentioned that you liked rotisserie baseball – a concept foreign to folks from central Louisiana like me and my folks, and went to Stuyvesant, which seemed to impress my Dad.


  10. Heh. I do remember that, Patrick. As I recall, my folks said they also had a fine time at the Bombay Bicycle Club. How could I go wrong in college after that? 🙂

  11. CrispyShot says:

    Happy Birthday, Chuck!

    LLLOOONNNGGG after our Trinity years (and even one official reunion), I’m now an ex-pat Texan living in MPLS. I went a-Googling for info about the redistricting fandango, and saw your blog. (All you non-Trinity alums might be interested to know that Chuck wrote a weekly sports column in Trinity’s paper titled “Off the Kuff.”) Been a regular reader (and sometime poster) ever since. Keep up the good work! (And if you see him, say Hi to my cousin Bob Karlin.)

  12. CrispyShot says:

    Oh, yeah, while I’m at it, the photos of snow in TX are less impressive now, but I, too, share fond memories of the 13 inches we got in our first year at Trinity. Possibly fonder than some others’, but as a gentleman, I can’t tell you why 😉

  13. Aziz says:

    Charles, happy birthday to you 🙂 we are getting old, eh ? 🙂

    well, maybe youre a bit older…

  14. Jack Cluth says:

    Happy Birthday, Kimosabe!! That “Just for Men” endorsement thing seems to be working out pretty well, eh??

    If memory serves, you found me a couple years ago. After months of shamelessly stalking me, (sending me that severed goat’s head WAS a bit over the top, no?) it finally dawned on me that the restraining order probably was not going to work…. ;0)

    Just another brick in the wall….

  15. Rob Humenik says:

    Happy Birthday, Chuck!

    So far you are the only official endorsement I have received, so I also owe you a “thanks”. If only you lived in my precinct, at least I’d know I’d get one vote besides Jenn’s.

    You know where I live, and of course you know I first met you through the H-Town bloggers happy hours. Been a fan ever since!

  16. Mathwiz says:

    I’ve been having trouble posting comments here, but I’ll try anyway:

    I first learned of you through your posts on Political State Report, which I learned of from the Daily Kos, which I learned of from I think it was early 2002, just before redistricting hit the fan.

    Anyway, happy birthday!

  17. Mathwiz says:

    Hey, it worked!

  18. katy says:

    Holy cow, Justine Bateman sure has gotten old!

    Seriously, happy birthday. Here’s hoping for many more of them.


  19. Linkmeister says:

    Got here during the Killer D’s, Part One, and stayed for the sequel and beyond.

    Happy Birthday!

  20. Michael says:

    I found your blog because I’m married to your blogparent’s author and I’ve upgraded MT for you.

    I found you because you were the guy at my ex-roommate’s house who thought that parties should, perhaps, end.

  21. hope says:

    I have no idea how I found you. Following random links, I’m sure.

    Happy birthday!

  22. Jay says:

    Happy birthday (hey, just made it under the wire) from another guy with a math degree and an interest in politics.

  23. William Hughes says:

    Let’s see, Justine Bateman, Cindy Crawford and you. Why am I hearing “One of these things is not like the others in my head”?

    Seriously, Chuck, I hope you had a wonderful day.

    As for me:

    Where am I right now: In a McDonalds in London, on my way to Barcelona for the weekend. However, you’ll usually find me at the last outpost of mankind, Tottenville, Staten Island or in my office on Wall Street in Manhattan.

    How I found you: Originally, at the front of room 307 in 1981. Now, however, I found the blog after finding out about another Stuyvesant graduate from the class of 1984 (hint: I referred to you and her as Sax and Violins ;-)).

  24. elizabeth says:

    Happy Birthday, Chuck!

    I probably found you at Casa Combo one evening. I found your blog through Mike’s Coffeecorner blog.

    I stay for the fair and balanced news…and because you’re a Yankee fan. 🙂

  25. kevin says:

    Happy Birthday!

    You know, I have no idea how I found your blog. I have been reading it for at least year, probably longer, and I am not sure how I got here.

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