The Texas Progressive Alliance is fired up and ready to vote as it brings you this week’s roundup.
Off the Kuff looks at the updated voter registration figures, which have now topped 16 million in Texas.
SocraticGadfly tells anybody wanting a coronavirus vaccine, whether the highly optimistic expecting one this year, or the somewhat more realistic eyeing 2021 not to bet on it, unless you want a Trumpian-type vaccine free of normal FDA testing rules, and thus to stay serious, or get more serious, about the disease.
DosCentavos celebrates the first Spanish-language album by The Mavericks. Hint: It’s pretty good!
And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.
Reform Austin notes that gun seizures are up at Texas airports despite travel being down.
The Texas Signal reports on state Republicans putting a quiet end to public redistricting hearings.
Paradise in Hell channels Donald Trump, Junior.
The newly-renamed San Antonio Report checks in on a pro-Post Office rally.
Grits for Breakfast gives the backstory on how Austin’s budget cuts for police came about.