Texas blog roundup for the week of July 17

The Texas Progressive Alliance will only be discussing Russian adoptions in this week’s roundup.

Off the Kuff highlights a spate of LGBT candidates running for office in the near future.

SocraticGadfly tells any Texas Greens who are thinking of skipping 2018 in working to restore party-line ballot access to stop entertaining such thoughts because next year will be a good opportunity.

Got any Democrats in mind to run for governor in 2018? Drop a line to the TDP if you do, says PDiddie at Brains and Eggs.

Neil at All People Have Value attended the Medicare For All Town Hall sponsored by the Bernie Sanders Our Revolution group and also by Houston Socialist organizations. APHV is part of NeilAquino.com.


And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

Better Texas Blog keeps digging into how bad Trumpcare would be for our state.

Juanita has some fun with a Republican neighbor.

Paradise in Hell wonders what town hall meetings Ted Cruz goes to.

Dawn Hanson advocates for high-density affordable housing as an answer to income inequality.

Michael Li demonstrates how not hard it is to draw minority opportunity districts in Texas.

Gabriella Dunn documents the other requests for voter data in Texas.

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