(Note: As I have done in past elections, I am running a series of Q&As for judicial candidates in contested Democratic primaries. This is intended to help introduce the candidates and their experiences to those who plan to vote in March. I am running these responses in the order that I receive them from the candidates. You can see all of my interviews as well as finance reports and other information on candidates on my 2016 Election page.)
1. Who are you and what are you running for?
Dion Ramos. I am running for the 61st Civil District Court of Harris County
2. What kind of cases does this court hear?
This is a Civil District Court. It hears Civil Cases – Personal Injury, Real Estate, Breach of Contract and Employment Disputes are good examples.
I tell people these courts hear cases that aren’t Family Law Cases or Criminal Cases.
3. Why are you running for this particular bench?
I am a Civil Trial Lawyer and when this bench became available after Judge Bennet was appointed Judge of the Federal Southern District I knew I would
be a good replacement for him.
4. What are your qualifications for this job?
I have had 30 years of Civil Trial experience in Civil District Courts. I was a District Court Judge of the 55th Civil District Court elected in 2008.
I was elected in 2008 to an unexpired term and had to run again in 2010 which was not a good year for Democrats and was defeated. I returned to Civil Trial Practice and now want to serve the courts again.
5. Why is this race important?
The voters need to place an experienced Democratic trial lawyer on this bench
6. Why should people vote for you in the primary?
I served the people of Harris County previously on the 55th Civil District Court and am anxious to serve again. My extensive trial experience, Board Certification in Civil Trial and Personal Injury Trial and Membership in the American Board of Trial Advocates make me the best candidate for this bench.