The Texas Progressive Alliance thanks Briscoe Cain for clearly demonstrating why no civilian should own a weapon of mass murder as it brings you this week’s roundup.
Off the Kuff analyzed those two polls from last week that again showed a competitive Texas.
Stace presented his 2019 #StaceSlate for the Houston elections.
SocraticGadfly calls out the Dallas Observer for doing a hit job on a wind farm that’s not even in its normal coverage area.
And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.
Rick Casey finds a common thread among the Republicans targeted by the Bonnen/MQS fiasco.
Jef Rouner has one simple suggestion for the eventual Democratic Presidential nominee.
RG Ratcliffe evaluates Dan Patrick’s seeming change on background checks for gun purchases.
The Austin Chronicle eulogizes Daniel Johnston.
John Coby calls for the end of open carry.